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Intrinsic vs. extrinsic verification
Tracing the origin of the terms "intrinsic" and "extrinsic" in formal verification and programming languages.
Posted on October 30, 2024, tags: history, proof assistants
I wrote a Mastodon post about this topic a few months ago, but when this topic came up when I was at SPLASH 2024 last week and I could not find my Mastodon post due to its unusable search feature (though to be fair searching in a federated setting is a tough problem), I decided to turn it into a quick, more permanent blog post I can easily find and share.

I am writing a paper and I once again found myself explaining intrinsic vs. extrinsic style of verification in dependently typed programs. (intrinsic = proof baked into the program, extrinsic = program and proof written separately) I never know what to cite for this concept, so I decided to dig a bit deeper to find the origin of these terms.

The first one that I found was John Reynolds’s 1998 book Theories of Programming Languages. In fact, in his 2004 paper The Meaning of Types: From Intrinsic to Extrinsic Semantics, he assures us that this book contains the first use of these terms by saying

The terms ‘intrinsic’ and ‘extrinsic’ are recent coinages by the author[1, Chapter 15], but the concepts are much older. The intrinsic view is associated with Alonzo Church, and has been called ‘ontological’ by Leivant[2]. The extrinsic view is associated with Haskell Curry, and has been called ‘semantical’ by Leivant.

At this point this is still a type theory discussion about how to define the semantics of a language.

Another one I found was the paper by Benton, Hur, Kennedy and McBride from 2011, titled Strongly Typed Term Representations in Coq. They say in the abstract:

There are two approaches to formalizing the syntax of typed object languages in a proof assistant or programming language. The extrinsic approach is to first define a type that encodes untyped object expressions and then make a separate definition of typing judgements over the untyped terms. The intrinsic approach is to make a single definition that captures well-typed object expressions, so ill-typed expressions cannot even be expressed.

This is now a discussion about mechanizing a language in proof assistants, which is closer to how I use it, but it’s still a type theory term at this point. It is referring to defining the terms of a language in a way that is well-typed by construction.

Another paper worth mentioning is by Affeldt and Sakaguchi, from 2014, titled An Intrinsic Encoding of a Subset of C and its Application to TLS Network Packet Processing They do, however, still use the term in the type theory sense, where they define C terms in an explicitly well-typed way. They also observe that

An intrinsic encoding also helps when developing the verification framework because having to deal with only correctly-typed programs reduces the number of error cases to be treated when developing the semantics and the related lemmas.

Right now the earliest paper I found that uses/contrasts the terms “intrinsic” vs. “extrinsic” outside of the type theory sense is the first paper I worked on when I was an undergrad. It is the 2016 paper Intrinsic Verification of a Regular Expression Matcher, where we explain this dichotomy (or rather, spectrum) for any program, and not just programming language interpreters. However, I remember getting the impression from my advisor at the time that this was folklore, so I think there must be some other paper out there that uses these terms in a general program verification way. Or maybe this isn’t even a meaningful distinction? Any ideas?

Update from Feb 10th, 2025: I found other earlier / contemporary uses, and other (later) significant uses of the intrinsic vs. extrinsic verification terminology that should be mentioned here. I will keep an updated list at the end of this blog post, so that everyone can refer to this page for the history of these terms.

So here’s my current timeline of the use of this terminology that is program verification and not for type theory:

Please let me know if you have an earlier use of this term for program verification. (Though note that some earlier uses might be primarily for type theory.)