Academic Work
Foreign Function Verification Through Metaprogramming. Joomy Korkut. PhD dissertation. Princeton University. 2024.
[DataSpace link] [LaTeX source] [Coq code] [PowerPoint slides] [PDF slides] [PDF slides with speaker notes] -
A Verified Foreign Function Interface between Coq and C. Joomy Korkut, Kathrin Stark, Andrew W. Appel. POPL 2025. 2024.
[Coq code] [PowerPoint slides] [PDF slides] [PDF slides with speaker notes] -
A Proof Tree Builder for Sequent Calculus and Hoare Logic. Joomy Korkut. ThEdu '22, published in EPTCS. 2022.
[Video] [Application link] [JavaScript code] -
Morphology and Lexicon-based Machine Translation of Ottoman Turkish to Modern Turkish. Joomy Korkut. Unpublished draft, 2019.*
[Haskell code] - Extensible Type-Directed Editing. Joomy Korkut, David Thrane Christiansen. TyDe ’18, 2018.
Edit-Time Tactics in Idris.
Joomy Korkut. Master's thesis. Wesleyan University. 2018.
[Idris code for demos] [Idris code for Hezarfen] [Poster] -
Thinking Outside the □: Verified Compilation of ML5 to JavaScript.
Joomy Korkut. Undergraduate senior thesis. Wesleyan University. 2017.
[Agda code] [Poster] -
Intrinsic Verification of a Regular Expression Matcher.
Joomy Korkut, Maksim Trifunovski, Daniel R. Licata. Unpublished draft. 2016.
[Agda code]
Selected Talks
Direct Reflection for Free!, at ICFP 2019 Student Research Competition finalist talks (bronze medal), August 20th, 2019.
[PDF poster] [PDF slides] [Keynote slides] [Haskell code] -
Commanding Emacs from Coq, at Scheme Workshop 2019, August 18th, 2019.
[Video] [PDF slides] [Coq and Emacs Lisp code]
English / Türkçe
Recent blog posts
Son blog yazıları
Intrinsic vs. extrinsic verification. October 30, 2024.
Tracing the origin of the terms "intrinsic" and "extrinsic" in formal verification and programming languages. -
After ICFP 2018. September 30, 2018.
I spent a week at the main functional programming conference and got to talk to my heroes, so here are some reflections. -
The diacritic omission phenomenon. November 18, 2017.
Omitting the diacritics is a common phenomenon in languages such as Turkish and Serbo-Croatian. Then why isn't there any research on this?
Yakup Kadri'nin Ankara'sı üzerine düşünceler. November 11, 2024.
Ankara romanını okurken aklımdan geçenler üzerine bir şeyler yazmak istedim. -
İlk yazı. October 28, 2024.
Bir giriş yazısı.